Dear Customers,

The store is temporarily closed from 29th December (Sun) to 3rd January 2025 (Fri).
We are scheduled to re-open on 4th January (Sat).
Please kindly understand that we will not be able to respond to your emails until the shop opens on 4th January (Sat).
Thank you,

How To Order

Please contact us by email.
Email address :

Payment Method

We accept bank transfer or credit card payment.
Please contact us for more details.

Please note that import duties and VAT vary by country and they are the responsibility of the consignee.
If you choose to pay by bank transfer, customers are responsible for all fees related to overseas money transfers.

Our bank information

Bank Name : Kiraboshi Bank, Ltd.
Branch Name : Aoyama dori branch (868)
Ordinary Saving Account
Account No: 0205430
Account Name : Nico-Nico Guitars Ltd.

Return Policy

We do not accept any returns or refunds after payment has been confirmed.
In the event of damage or other incidents during transportation, please notify us and also report it to the courier company or EMS, and they will take appropriate action.

We will also request the courier company to investigate.

Please note, the restrictions of Brazilian rosewood export/import are still in place.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.