【Staff Pick!】2008 Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt ’57 Stratocaster Heavy Relic by Greg Fessler (Black/Sunburst)

*English follows!






2008 Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt ’57 Stratocaster Heavy Relic by Greg Fessler (Black/Sunburst)です。


今日はFender Fridayということでこんなマルチレイヤーフィニッシュのストラトを選んでみました。



こちらの一本は”Heavy Relic”表記ですが、写真の通りやり過ぎ感はありません。








3.27kgというと大体ライトウェイトアッシュを使用した個体 (通常のホワイトアッシュだと逆にアルダー以上に重いものが多いですが) で見かけるような重量で、アルダーの個体だとそう多くはありません。




個人的にはDerek & The Dominos時代のクラプトンの音を想起させる出音でした。

もちろんあの頃は”ブラウニー”、こちらはどちらかといえば”ブラッキー”ですが、アンプが歪むか歪まないかぐらいの音量で弾いてあげるともう”Keep On Growing”や”Tell the Truth”のイントロだったり”It’s Too Late”のリードパートなんかが頭の中で鳴っちゃいます。










Hello friends!


My pick for today is…

2008 Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt ’57 Stratocaster Heavy Relic by Greg Fessler (Black/Sunburst).


We are celebrating Fender Friday with this multi-layer finished Strat.

It’s a black over 2-tone sunburst, which at first glance might just look like a well-worn black Strat.

Good looking right?


Though the model name categorizes this guitar as “Heavy Relic”, it’s not overly reliced as shown in the photos above.

It’s just enough for the 2-tone sunburst to peek out from underneath the black around where the elbow would sit and the back of the guitar where your belt buckle might scrape off the top finish.

I would call it “legit aging”.


What’s good about this Strat is its weight.

This one has the ’57 specs which means it has an alder body, but only weighs around 7.2lbs.

This is a weight we sometimes see in lightweight ash bodies (regular white ash bodies tend to be heavier than alder, so these are not counted in), but not often in alder bodies.

Because of this you can hear the wood breathe, and the airiness mellows out the midrange and takes away the harsh treble and stiffness.

Stick a maple neck on there, and you get a great “quack” especially when playing through the bridge pickup.


I felt a Dominos-era Clapton vibe in the tone, and though this one is obviously a “Blackie” rather than a “Brownie”, driving the amp to around where the break-up starts got me playing that intro riff of “Keep On Growing” and “Tell the Truth” or the lead part of “It’s Too Late”. I love the Dominos.


I’m sure many of you will find yourself grinning over this tone.


Come see for yourself here at Nico-Nico Guitars!



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